
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Progress, Progress, Progress . . . and more Progress!

Hi again! The Christmas play in production is going smoothly. I'd say it is about 30% finished. We have almost got the script perfect. However, we still need actors. We expect a casting call somewhere within the end of this month and the first week or two of next month. Like I already mentioned in a previous post, it is a sequel to the first play we produced in 2010 for Easter. Back then, we called it Worthy is the Lamb, but we are thinking about changing the name to the same one as the book: The King on a Cross.

Today, I have decided to give you a sneak peak of the play: like I said in another post, Kim, Zoey and Ben will be in it, but we are also adding a few characters. These new characters are friends of Kim, Zoey and Ben. If it seems rather early to you to be starting to work on a Christmas play, let me tell you something: now is the PERFECT time to start! Because, it can take weeks just to get scripts finalized, you have to get permission to use a place to produce the play, and not to mention you need to give the actors time to memorize lines.

In case anyone's wondering what else my family does, well, I will tell you. God has gifted us with good singing voices and my family and I sing a quartet. We especially enjoy singing contemporary Christian music. Some of our favorite music writers are people like the Easters, Charlotte Richie, Casting Crown and etc. We even sing at our home church, Vassar Road Baptist Church. My sister Halle and I are also on a praise team rotation. We sing once a month.

As for writing, I also write puppet skits with Biblical lessons in them.

There are a few other kids at the church we go to, but there are still many more that don't come. So my family will this summer be assisting our church with outreach. I hope we get a lot of participation from other youth in the church, 'cause we need it!

That's all for now, may God bless you and have a great day!

PS: If you want to ask me a question about (e.g. animals, including dinosaurs, my church projects, The King on a Cross book or play, the Christmas play etc.) feel free to ask. If you would rather send me an email, send it to I will respond as soon as possible.

PS 2: Check back often to get the latest scoop!

PS 3: To check out my book, go to this link: The King on a Cross

PS 4: Why are there so many PS's????

These are a few pictures from the play we produced called Worthy is the Lamb:
Jesus (right) in His trial before Pilate (left), the chief priest is watching in the foreground
Jesus being crucified, his mother is weeping at the cross
A man (left) is asking Peter (right) if he is one of Jesus's disciples

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