Yes, you read the title of
this blog post right: my very first
stop-motion series, Animal Face-Off
is back! But that's far from the only news I have to share (more on
Animal Face-Off
later)! In other news, our Easter drama, “The King on a Cross” is
this weekend! I can't believe it! It seemed like just yesterday that
we began memorizing our lines and the such. There will be two dramas
held: one on April 18, which is today, at 6:00 p.m. and one on April 19, which is tomorrow, at 2:00 p.m.
The cast and I can't wait to once again portray the end of Jesus'
life, death and eventual resurrection and its far reaching
implications. I'm also so excited that we'll be celebrating Christ's
resurrection this Sunday! Easter's almost here!
Days Till
It is: the Friday night performance of “The King on a Cross” today!
It is: 1 day till the Saturday performance of “The King on a Cross”
It is: 2 days till Easter Sunday
It is: 4 days till Earth Day
In the Spotlight
many of you already know, Jurassic World
(formally called Jurassic Park 4)
is in the filming process; they are filming in Hawaii. Some
photographs from the first day of shooting can be viewed below:
I do not own any of these images, they are from this link. |
I don't know what scenes they shot for the film, but based on the
images, it appears that the theme park in the film will be quite
busy! Let's hope the T. rex doesn't get too hungry if she breaks out
. . . again!
other news, while Jurassic World
is still filming, another sequel to a popular movie has just released
its first trailer! The movie I'm talking about it Dolphin Tale 2, which will be coming out on September 19th! You can view the trailer to the upcoming film
I for one really like this trailer; it appears that it will have the
same story qualities that we loved from the first one. But hey, so
long as its family friendly, has a good story, Nathan Gambles, Cozi
Zuehlsdorff and Winter in it (which we know it does), I'm good to go!
Topic of the Week by
Christian Ryan
This week, our topic isn't going to consist around an article. I had
an article in mind of course, but I decided that I'd bring my latest
stop-motion video to everyone's attention since it's been almost a
year since I published my last one! As you've already guessed based
on this post's title, I have officially started season 2 of my Animal
Face-Off series! I'm really impressed by how the first series
turned out. As you might recall, there were nine episodes in the
first season: Lion vs. Tiger, Hippo vs. Bull Shark,
Elephant vs. Rhino, Velociraptor vs. Protoceratops,
Velociraptor vs. Ankylosaur, Tyrannosaurus vs.
Ankylosaurus, Tarantula vs. Scorpion, Tyrannosaurus vs.
Spinosaurus and The Battle at Kruger. I'm not exactly sure
how many episodes this season will have, but probably close to 11
episodes. I can't wait for them to be completed!
![]() |
Here are many of the creatures planned for Animal Face-Off season 2! |
Last year, you probably remember that I was working on a series
called Planet of the Dinosaurs. Why did I not do episodes 3-6
and skip to Animal Face-Off season 2? Well, frankly, for
several months I didn't have the time or space to set up to create
the stop-motion videos. But now that I do, I wasn't really “into”
doing Planet of the Dinosaurs, so I figured I'd start with
something short and relatively easy to do before mounting the huge
Planet of the Dinosaurs project.
So with all that out of the way, what's in this first episode of
Animal Face-Off? Well episode number one is called Cougar
vs. Gray Wolf. These two creatures are natural enemies. I would
now like to take some time to actually talk about each of the
creatures before I show you my face-off.
The cougar is also known as the catamount, the mountain lion, the puma, the Florida panther and the painter. |
The cougar is known by many different names: the catamount, the
Florida panther, the puma, the mountain lion and the painter. It can
grow almost three feet tall at the shoulders, nine feet in length and
average a weight of 220 pounds. These cats are also very adaptable
and can be found in a variety of different habitats. Some are found
in the high, rocky mountains of the Rockies – where today's
face-off takes place – others live in desert canyons and lowlands,
and still others can be found in tropical jungles, swamps and
everywhere in between. They can be found in both North and South
America. Cougar's used to have a much wider range than they do today
and used to live pretty much all the way to the eastern seaboard of
the United States; today they're restricted mostly to the western
side of the country (though there are some in Florida's Everglades).
Did you know that the cougar also has a wide dinner menu? They have
been known to eat anything from small mammals to deer and elk! The
cougar likes to use the element of surprise to attack its dinner and
when it attacks, it rarely misses and uses a swift neck bite to kill
the prey quickly. Cougars are fascinating leapers, jumping 45 feet
straight into the air!
The gray wolf uses numbers, speed, endurance, craftiness and teamwork to bring down prey larger than itself. |
The gray wolf is also quite adaptable and is found through much of
North America. It grows around five feet in length, 32 inches tall at
the shoulders and weighs around 79 pounds. Unlike the cougar, wolves
hunt in packs to bring down their prey, which usually consists of
small birds and mammals to large elk, moose and bison. Wolves don't
usually try to muscle prey larger than themselves to the ground.
Instead, they use teamwork to chase the prey over long distances
until they either tire the prey out, or bite particular parts of the
leg that cause the animal to stumble and fall. The wolf's howl is one
of the most iconic of animal sounds; contrary to popular belief, they
don't really howl at the moon. Instead, the wolf howls to communicate
with other wolves – often times a whole pack will howl at a
rivaling wolf pack in the distance to keep them off their turf!
Wolves can run up to 40 miles per hour when chasing after prey.
Now that we know a little bit about each animal in today's face-off,
let's watch the video! Here it is:
Well, how did you all like the face-off? Please be sure to let me
know in the comments below. Have a very, very Happy Easter everyone!
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PS 2: Have a puzzling question about
animals (including dinosaurs), myself, my latest book, my stop-motion
movies, Creation or etc? Please post your question as a comment or
send me an email at
PS 3: What’s the new in the news?
Check it out at SMILEY’S
U r face offs are boring