The next rehearsal/casting call for the Christmas play, “A
Big Misunderstanding” is going to happen on September 8th. We still
need to fill in the speaking roles of Mira and Kate, and the other 12 non-speaking roles. I am really excited
to get this project underway. If you would like to participate (and are close
enough to help), please send me an email to, for
locations, times and other need-to-know stuff.
Now I can talk about
the stop-motion movie: and it is 100% finished! I will show it on next week’s
post. First though, I wanted to talk a little bit about the Panthera Tigris or, aka the “tiger”,
since we talked about the lion last week. Not many people know this, but there
were actually nine subspecies of tigers that have lived on the continent of Asia:
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Indochinese Tiger |
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Siberian Tiger |
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Malayan Tiger |
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Sumatran Tiger |
South Chinese Tiger |
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Javan Tiger |
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Caspian Tiger |
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The only free Bali Tiger picture I could track down |
Today, there are only six species; the Caspian (which went extinct in the 1970's), the Bali (which went extinct in 1937) and Javan Tigers (which also went extinct in the 1970's) are all gone, which is why the pictures I found are in black and white. We’ll talk about why in
just a minute. Now technically, tigers actually are related to lions, as only a
single pair of cats came off Noah’s Ark after the Flood. And this cat kind had
the DNA in it for ALL the later
species of cats. And from this cat kind, a species called the tiger emerged
from a process of natural selection. Natural selection is NOT evolution, by the
way. However, today I wish to stay on the tiger topic, so for more on natural
selection, check out one of my previous posts entitled “Return of the Great Mammoths”.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, I remember. Tigers all descended from the cat kind and from there they spread out over Asia and diversified into the different sub-species of tigers. A subspecies is different from a species. “Subspecies” is a term that is used to describe the differences within a species of animal, in this case, the tiger.
Tigers habitats very greatly. They live everywhere from the
lush tropical forested, almost swampy habitats, to the freezing cold Polar
Regions called the Taiga. They also hunt a wide range of prey, including wild
pigs, monkeys, orangutans, deer, baby elephants, you name it! They use those black stripes to camouflage
into the dense jungle. Did you know that tigers are the only cats to have
orange skin? Yep, the fur is not the only orange thing on this cat. Tigers also
can be white. This is caused by a genetic mutation. However, no matter how hard
you look, you will never ever see an
adult white tiger in the wild. Why? Well, because they are too easy to spot in
the dark jungles. A predator can
easily spot a baby tiger and eat it. And even if the baby white tiger managed
to survive predators, it wouldn't be able to catch enough food because prey
would see it from a mile away. Now if these white tigers lived near, let’s say
the North Pole and they had a thick coat of fur, they would be quite common in
the wild. But apparently, God didn’t want these cats in the North Pole. So if
you’re looking for a white tiger, try the nearest zoo.
You have probably heard about a famous extinct cat called
the Saber-Toothed Tiger. It probably got this name, not only because it has
saber-teeth, but also because of its resemblance to a tiger. But guess what,
the name “Saber-Toothed Tiger” is really a misnomer, since these cats are only
distantly related to tigers. This is why scientists prefer to call them “Saber-Toothed
Cats”. By the way, since we are talking about extinct cats, this is probably a
good time to bring up the topic of why some subspecies of tiger have gone
extinct. The answer is that they were overhunted. Who could dare over hunt the
beautiful tiger? Well, their beauty is also their downfall. Many hunters over
the years have hunted these cats for their coats. Fortunately, some ingenious
people noticed that tiger populations were in decline, so they had the tiger
put on the Endangered Species List so it was illegal to hunt the tiger. Now they’re safe . . . right? Not quite. See, there are still people
who will illegally go out and kill tigers. These evil hunters are called
poachers. Even today, tiger skin and bones will fetch a pretty price in some
countries. You may be wondering why on earth so many folks would want tiger
bones (and most of these people don’t wish to display the tiger bones in a
museum or something). In many cultures, people believe that tiger bones have
medical capabilities and are crushed up to use as medicine! Really, I’m not
joking around! And believe it or not, these so-called “medicines” don’t really
work, so they have no practical use to the buyer (but apparently, the buyers
don’t know that). The South Chinese Tiger is really on the brink, it is almost extinct in the wild. The majority of these tigers is in captivity. And even the ones in captivity only came from about six individuals, so the gene pool is very small. It is already too late to save the Bali, Caspian and Javan tigers, but what can we do to save the other six species of tigers?
Well, people have set up national reserves to protect the living space for these predators! Also, people have been breeding tigers in
captivity so that their numbers can eventually go up. In the past few years,
tiger numbers world-wide are starting to become stable. There is also a way
that you can help! How? Well, tell
your friends and family not to buy tiger products and to also tell other people
about the tiger’s plight. You can even send money to special organizations who
help tigers (I’m not saying use money that would otherwise go in the offering
plate at church. Give 10% to God, the creator of the tiger and then use some for the tigers themselves). By doing
all these things, we can save one of God’s creations, the tiger, from
Well, that’s all we have to tell about for today. Be sure to
check back next week for more updates, animal facts and other cool stuff! Bye
for now!
PS: Have a puzzling question about me, animals (including
dinosaurs), Creation, God, Christianity, my book, “The King on a Cross,” or
etc? Want to just get some information in general? Post your question as a
comment or send me an email to
PS 2: Be sure to check back next week to see which animal will win in "Animal Face-Off: Lion vs. Tiger!" To see the last stop-motion movie I made, click here.
PS 3: What's the latest news headline? Check it out on Smiley's News.
PS 3: What's the latest news headline? Check it out on Smiley's News.
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